Below script is a .NET function to get information about a user from AD. This information can be stored in a variable and used in your project/application.
To use the below function in your project, you need to add the reference for System.DirectoryServices
Public Function GetUserInfo(ByVal inAD As String, ByVal inType As String) As String
Dim sPath As String= "LDAP://domain/DC=domain,DC=com"
Dim SamAccount As String = Right(inAD, Len(inAD) - InStr(inAD, "\"))
Dim myDirectory As New DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(sPath, "username", "Password")
Dim mySearcher As New DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher(myDirectory)
Dim mySearchResultColl As DirectoryServices.SearchResultCollection
Dim mySearchResult As DirectoryServices.SearchResult
Dim myResultPropColl As DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyCollection
Dim myResultPropValueColl As DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyValueCollection
'Build LDAP query
mySearcher.Filter = ("(&(objectClass=user)(samaccountname=" & SamAccount & "))")
mySearchResultColl = mySearcher.FindAll()
'only one user from search result
Select Case mySearchResultColl.Count
Case 0
Return "0"
Exit Function
Case Is > 1
Return "1"
Exit Function
End Select
'Search result from the collection
mySearchResult = mySearchResultColl.Item(0)
'Properites, they contain the usefull info
myResultPropColl = mySearchResult.Properties
myResultPropValueColl = myResultPropColl.Item(inType)
Return CStr(myResultPropValueColl.Item(0))
Catch ex As System.Exception
Return 0
End Try
End Function
Above function can be called as below:
Variablename = GetUserInfo(usernametexbox.text, "displayname")
where displayname is the property name in Active Directory
"Scripting" is basically giving sequential instructions to computer for doing specific things rather than doing manually. Sometimes we need to write a small and quick vbscript (.vbs), javascript(.js), batch file(.bat) or SQL script(.sql) to perform a short task, but we lack information or get confuse on where to start or which scrpit to write. In my BLOG, I will try to cover as many different scripts as possible that will be useful to everyone.
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