Below script gives you the free space for D drive. You can run this on any machine using SSMS.
The threshold of 300 can be changed as per your requirement
Use tempdb
@Free_space as varchar(max),
@Body as varchar(255)
If OBJECT_ID('#Fixeddrives') is not null
Drop Table #Fixeddrives
Create Table #Fixeddrives
drives varchar(2),
FreeSpace bigint
INSERT INTO #Fixeddrives
Exec sys.xp_fixeddrives
Select @Free_space = FreeSpace/1024
From #Fixeddrives
Where drives='D' and (FreeSpace)/1024< = 300
Drop Table #Fixeddrives
if @Free_space < 300
Select @Body = 'SERVER NAME - Total Free space on D drive is: ' + @Free_space + ' GB'
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'PROFILE NAME',
@recipients ='TO EMAIL ADDRESS',
@body = @Body,
@subject = 'SERVER NAME - Low disk space',
@Importance = 'HIGH'
"Scripting" is basically giving sequential instructions to computer for doing specific things rather than doing manually. Sometimes we need to write a small and quick vbscript (.vbs), javascript(.js), batch file(.bat) or SQL script(.sql) to perform a short task, but we lack information or get confuse on where to start or which scrpit to write. In my BLOG, I will try to cover as many different scripts as possible that will be useful to everyone.
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